
Video Editing AI For Your Company

We build personalized and bespoke AI video editors for companies that understand your specific brand, tone, style, and workflows.

Robbie Janney
March 28, 2024

All you may hear about these days is AI this, AI that. What about AI Video Editing?

Well it’s here. 

That’s what we do here at Storylines.

We build personalized and bespoke AI video editors for companies that understand your specific brand, tone, style, and workflows. (FYI: we have some of our general AI video editing for a few use cases that you can try via our home page.) 

We seek to help you create better edits, faster, and at scale. Our AI can get you to a darn good rough cut swiftly so you and your video editors can focus more on the story and increase efficiencies. Sound interesting?

Contact us to learn more or submit a request to be considered for our next batch of users we build bespoke AI video editors for.

AI for Productivity

Silicon Valley goes through iterations of booms every decade or so - the hardware boom, the dot com boom, the mobile app boom, you name it. There’s even Boom, the supersonic jet startup. 

Today it is AI. 

And yes with booms comes hyperbole - even putting it aside, AI will make a meaningful difference in many areas of the workplace, including in traditionally creative departments. AI will oftentimes be a force multiplier in terms of productivity and creating efficiencies. 

Some industries have already begun major overhauls in their workflows in the places where it seems most logical - financial companies setting up AI models to follow trends, data companies implementing data trawling AI for easy accessibility, and a whole lot more. 

You may be wondering, “is AI going to be implemented in video editing workflows”? 

So let’s show you exactly how we see it will be implemented, and what Storylines can do today for your video editing workflow. 

Footage Logging AI 

When it comes to enterprise level workflows in video editing, it’s assumed that you are dealing with an incredible amount of footage. The normal workflow goes like this: 

  • After shooting, transfer footage from SD card to hard drive
  • Bring hard drive to edit bay / mass storage (either online or offline)
  • Assign someone to organize footage
  • Create folders and naming conventions for each file
  • Ingest footage into the NLE, create bins and organization for the footage.
  • Estimated time: 4-8 hours

With this task, there’s two steps of footage transfer, which can take time in and of itself just waiting around for the data transfer. Then, someone is taken away from other projects/tasks to parse through the footage and organize it into the format that your company prefers. This is time consuming and uncreative work that slows down the process of getting to the final cut. 

Now, imagine this workflow - 

  • After shooting, upload footage directly to AI-enhanced storage off of your camera
  • AI parses through the shots, and creates folders and naming conventions determined by your style for each shot. 
  • AI creates an XML that is directly openable in your NLE, with all bins and names in just the way you prefer it. 
  • Estimated time (depending on internet speed): 1-2 hours

Time saved: 30-50% compared to normal flow

Once upload is completed to the AI-enhanced storage, the AI will immediately get to work organizing your footage exactly how you have told it to. You’ve now saved waiting-around time, and freed up someone to begin work on something else to get the project done sooner. If you are doing two to three of these projects a week, those wasted hours add up - AI assisted footage logging can save that wasted time and turn it into creative, productive hours for your team. 

Rough Cuts at Scale

Most enterprise video teams have repeatable, templated content in their daily content duties. Think of things like website product demos, internal videos, conferences with numerous panel discussions and instructional content. They all conform to a certain format, tone and style, and are repeatable in a sense. Example: introduce subject, cut to b-roll, explain product, end-tag - you get it.

Since these are templated, repeatable videos, Storylines can efficiently assemble these edits for Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve, or Apple FCP prior to an editor looking at them. Let’s look at the normal rough cut flow today:

  • Ingest footage into your NLE
  • Watch all of the content for quality control 
  • Find the best take in each shot, add to timeline
  • Layer footage (a-roll, b-roll overlay)
  • Create assembly cut 
  • Add preformed graphic, logos, and end tags
  • Estimated time: 1-4 hours

Lots of time is wasted in the edit bay looking through bad takes to find the best ones so you can create an assembly cut from them. There’s no creative process in this task - it’s there to set the table and create a mis en place before you can begin your creative “cooking”, so to speak. 

With AI rough cuts, your rough cut flow looks like this: 

  • AI parses through the footage, and begins filling the “slots” of your pre-formatted content with the most recent shoot
  • AI finds the best takes 
  • AI trims clips, creates a timeline
  • AI creates an assembly cut with the best takes
  • AI adds preformed graphics, logos, and end tags to the spots you have determined they go
  • Estimated time: 10-30 minutes

Time saved: 30-50% compared to normal flow

With the AI rough cut workflow, the painful, manual part of editing evaporates. It’s like if you walked into a kitchen, and every ingredient for your dish was there ready for you in its own neat little cambro, all waiting to be turned into a masterpiece by your hands. 

Putting Them Together To Create An AI Assisted Workflow

Imagine shooting at night, plugging in your camera to the computer, and uploading the footage to Storylines - then, waking up to a really great rough cut that seamlessly opens in your NLE That’s what Storylines AI video editor can do. When AI footage logging and rough cutting are combined, your workflow looks like this:

  • Upload footage from shoot to AI-enhanced storage, and tell it what kind of video output you want upon upload
  • AI creates files from footage and names each shot according to your needs and preferences
  • AI takes that parsed information and creates a rough cut, according to what you asked it for
  • AI creates a single XML from this project
  • You open the XML in your NLE
  • The XML contains your footage neatly organized and a rough cut of the project with all of your assets and graphics layered in, ready to be polished and made into a masterpiece 

This flow is faster, easier, and more importantly - makes your job more creative-heavy. No more begrudgingly sorting through footage while you slowly sip the ever-growing-cold coffee at your desk. You arrive, fresh cup in hand, with a project you get you make your own down to the last finite cut. 

We’re working closely with users and we’re currently taking applications from potential customers for the next batch of bespoke AI video editors that we develop. If you are interested and could benefit from a personalized AI video editor for your company or you want to simply learn more, contact us.

Join us in this journey

We're looking to invite the next cohort of beta users. If you are interested and could benefit from having *your AI video editor* for your company or you want to simply learn more:

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