
Creating Social Media Highlights Using AI and Final Cut Pro

Learn how to create social media highlights effortlessly using AI and Final Cut Pro with Storylines AI video editor.

Robbie Janney
May 14, 2024

Creating Social Media Highlights Using AI and Final Cut Pro

Many editors, whether freelancing or employed by a company, will find that the majority of available work is in the realm of social media. Numerous businesses host webinars, conferences, long-form videos, podcasts, and other types of content that involve extended dialogue. They typically seek to repurpose this content for social media.

Why Creating Social Content Isn’t The Most Fun Job

The most challenging part of editing jobs is having to rewatch the video to find the best one-minute sections. You've already edited the video - now you have to watch it again. Why waste an entire hour looking through that footage just to find that one minute clip that's gonna make you go viral?

I know your boss is probably asking you, “why haven't you gone viral yet?” (It's usually the content, not the editing - but don’t quote me on that).

That's where AI video editing can help. Since there isn't Final Cut AI, Storylines is the best supplement to start AI video editing with Final Cut. Our AI powered tools can make any editor's workflow feel like a breeze.

Why Other AI Video Editors Don’t Measure Up To Professional Standards

A lot of companies out there promise you great social media clips after you upload your long form video.

But, those programs usually only export one "style" of video - which isn't suitable for professionals.

If you're editing for a company, you have to adhere to company design guidelines. That means adding end tags, logos, and motion graphics to maintain an even look throughout all of your social media posts. Or, if you're just like me, you hold your videos to a higher standard - you prefer to edit it in your NLE.

Let's see how you can make amazing social media highlights using Storylines AI video editor in Final Cut Pro.

How To Use Storylines AI Video Editor

So the first thing we want to do is we're going to upload our project to storylines. Click New Project. Then, drop in your project by dragging and dropping it into our upload module. You can even upload using a YouTube link if you already have it uploaded to the web.

Then, let's type in what our story is about. This helps the AI find the best parts of your video - you can even prompt it for certain topics to give it context to search for.

Now, let the AI generate your project and take a little coffee break. It's sometimes nice sitting alone with your thoughts. Or deeply terrifying - whichever you prefer.

Now that you have finished the project, it's time to check out your highlights. You can watch it in the monitor on the left of the page, and you can follow along with the transcript on the right. To make your highlight longer, you can actually extend your highlight using a fun little trick that we have on Storylines.

Removing A Part Of Your Video

removing text in Storylines

Simply highlight the text that you want to delete, and click the scissors button.

The text will now turn gray - it won't play during playback, and it will not be included in your exports.

Adding A Part Of Your Video

adding text in storylines

You can add sections of text that our AI filler word cut or that you have edited. Highlight the greyed-out text, and click the scissors button. The section will now be back into your highlight. Once you bring it back, it will include in both playback and your exports.

Adding B-Roll To Your Storylines Project

Let's say you want to add some B-roll to your highlight before you export to your NLE. With Storylines, we make it easy to add b-roll from a YouTube video.

So to add B-roll into our video, just highlight the area of text you would like to add B-roll to. Then from here, you can drop in a YouTube link, and type in your start time of where in the YouTube video you would like to start from. Click check, and Storylines’ little magic robots will bring that B-roll into your project.

Exporting To Final Cut Pro

All right, so let's export this to Final Cut Pro. Go to the top of your project and click Export Project. Then select Final Cut Pro. You can also include your animated captions by clicking Include Animated Captions on the export module.

After you export your project, you will get an email with download links. The email will have links for all your assets. This includes the original video, b-roll footage, and animated captions if you added them.

Opening Your Storylines Export In Final Cut Pro

So now that we got our assets, let's open Final Cut. To import your project, click File > Import > XML. In your downloads, open the XML, and press import.

We include 4 resolution timelines for you:

  • 1920x1080 (horizontal)
  • 1080x1920 (vertical)
  • 1920x1350 (Instagram)
  • Original Resolution

Once you click one of the timelines, you’ll see your highlight ready to go within Final Cut. Since all the assets are editable, you can extend or reduce the b-roll, or the highlight as a whole.

It is now your turn to make the video stand out on the For You Page. You can do this by adding your own graphics, logos, or anything else you like.

Why Should You Use Storylines AI Video Editor?

You can do whatever you want with this because it's in your own editing software. So whatever brand guidelines you have to adhere to, you have this highlight ready to go. You're not spending hours looking through an entire video just to find that perfect one minute post - Storylines found it for you.

Storylines’ AI video editor saves you time and stress, all while keeping you in creative control. Check out our YouTube page for what we’re building for the future of video editing.

Join us in this journey

We're looking to invite the next cohort of beta users. If you are interested and could benefit from having *your AI video editor* for your company or you want to simply learn more:

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